
Happy Erika

So, the Gaston is going to be a big brother! Kind of weird, he's too little! Hehe ;) But still, how awesome is that? I have already started thinking about which band shall adorn the new little brother/sister's baby clothes...The Gaston of course had the Ramones, should I stick with that theme, or perhaps try something new this time?



Been hunting for snowboard equipment on sale, but I think I have to give up...Finally found a place that a) had snowboards in stock and b) had them on sale (since it's last season stuff) but they didn't have any girl stuff!!! How annoying is that? Hehehe =) Guess I will have to buy things full price in a couple of months...Oh well =)

Other than that, things in Chino are good...Had my first Japanese lesson on Friday (yeay, finally) which was good. I managed to get a bit lost getting there and missed about half the hour, but still...It is now a weekly thing, so hopefully I'll improve =)

Got Ponyo yesterday, gonna watch it tonight! I've been wanting to see it for a while, but ever since we went to the Ghibli museum in Tokyo I've been really keen to see it! Hopefully it's good and really cute!
I have now seen the 4 other Miyazaki movies I bought at the museum, and I really liked them. Mononoke hime kind of surprised me though, I didn't expect all that blood and violence! Shocking!



Back in Chino after spending way to much money in Tokyo....But I got a Nintendo DS Lite, a bunch of books (including the already mentioned Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), 4 Miyazaki movies (of which I have now seen 2), a bunch of toys (mostly for the Gaston but some for me too...) and a bunch of Roxy clothes, so I can't really feel bad about it and get byer's remorse, because seriously, I love it all! Guess how impressed the kids at my schools were when they saw the DS...? Hehehe

Will be ordering an internet installation tomorrow after doing a bit of research. People tell me I have to first pay the phone company for the installation and the usage of the line, and then also get an internet provider to actually provide the login and shit...Kind of like how the electricity thing works in Norway. What is wrong with people? Can't the phone company just provide everything? Wouldn't that make sense? Hopefully people are just trying to scare me and are lying to me and really it's nothing like that, but I don't know....
Can't wait to get connected though! Then I can finally chat to all you guys again! Yeay! Got an email from my mom earlier this week complaining I never send any emails (and I still haven't replied, oops), hopefully she won't have to send that kind of stuff once I'm back surfing day in and day out ;)

Julia, Elsa, Kjers: So how was the remaining time in Japan? Tell me tell me! =)
