
Am in an internet cafe in Ikebukoro trying to spend some time. I am meeting up with a British guy tonight at 8pm (in 3 hours) in Shinjuku, but until then I really have nothing to do and Im too tired to walk around any more. Went to Tokorozawa and the language school today, was nice to get a face on the person Ive been emailing with so much. My papers still havent arrived, but he promised hes let me know when they do so I can come and pick them up. He also said that maybe he could wait to hire another person until next week, so if it arrives before then...But I doubt it will...

Yesterday I spent the evening with a Japanese girl named Maki who was staying in the same room as me in the hotel. She was in Tokyo for a job interview. It was really good to have somebody around who speaks Japanese =) We went out for sushi and then met up with the same guys as the night before. Last night I got home a bit earlier though, at 3 am hehe...

This internet cafe, btw, is really cool. You get your own little booth and a drink, and can sit in private to check your email, read manga (they have looots of it here, but all in Japanese of course) or watch movies. Its japanese style, so you site on the floor which is padded, and then you have a thing you can move around to rest your back against. Its awesome! Was only planning on staying an hour, but will stay for at least 2 ^^


  1. So you're in the "Manga kissa" (=Manga Cafe)...^.^ People would stay there overnight for example when missed the last bus to go back home, and don't want to pay for the hotel.

    Hope anyhow you can find the way to live and work in Japan!!

  2. Here's hoping you get some kind of work permit...how annoying that you have All this free time to explore everyday Japan ;-)

  3. I know, poor me right? ;)
    An update on my shenanigans here in Tokyo will be posted soon =)

