
Sorry for being lazy and not updating...

...but I've been busy busy ^^

Went out for dinner with mom and Melek on Saturday, which was quite nice. I love how easy it is to get something I actually eat in Turkey. I don't think Japan is quite as accomodating to us poor vegans hehe =). Spent part of Sunday baking more banana and chocolate cookies, needed to leave a bag for Melek as she fell in love with them (of course, who doesn't?) and also make a few to bring in my bag for the flights on the Monday. Added a crazy amount of cinnamon, very nice =)

I noticed when I packed my (new) bags on Sunday that I had managed to shop a whole lot of stuff! I had a full bag! Will have to see how much of my stuff will fit in my bagss when I leave on Monday. I mean, I also have some stuff in boxes I sent from Norway to Stockholm before I left.

The flights to Istanbul and Stockholm were very uneventful. I had more than 5 hours at the airport in Istanbul, and they didn't open the check in until 2 hours before the plane left. That meant I had almost 4 hours to spend hanging around in the check in area, that is, NO taxfree shopping. Sat around in a café for 1.5 hours watching people, the coffee was really yummy. Mmmm, hazelnut!

I arrived in Stockholm quite late, but luckily the Gaston was still awake when we got home to my brother's house. He was almost about to fall asleep, but when we walked in he decided being awake was more fun than sleeping, and stayed up for another 1.5 hours. He totally recognized me (and he should, it was only a bit more than 3 weeks since I was here last), and was happy to see his auntie Erika =)

Went out for a coffee with one of my cousins on Tuesday. We don't see each other that much, since I don't live in Sweden, and he has spent the last 6 months in Berlin, so we had a lot to catch up on. Kinda wish I'd get to see my cousins more often, I always love spending time with them.

Today, Cleo and I went out for a long walk, this is her chilling out on the bed afterwards.

She's one of the best things about staying with my brother, I like playing dog mommy every once in a while =)

After the walk, I took the bus to pick up the very BEST thing about staying at my brother's place, the Gaston. He had just had a little nap when I showed up, and wasn't quite up for leaving kindergarten. Took him about 5 minutes to get entirely convinced going home was better than hanging out with the other kids (but he wasn't crying!). One of the little girls said to one of the teachers as I left: "That was my mommy!". Hehe! I love when kids realize they can lie!

Here is the Gaston, still sleepy, waiting for the bus home.

Tomorrow the plan is to go to the city to try to find replacements for the Japanese books that were stolen. I definitely have to replace the little Lonely Planet phrasebook Christopher gave me before I left. Don't think I can go to Japan without being able to say things like "But ton de masu!" :D

Until then!


  1. Yeah, that was a nice book :-) You need it to entertain the Japanese and make a lot of new friends...
    You have a cute nephew!

  2. That´s not the Erika we know down here on the westcoast. :-)
    I liked that lonley planet book you got in Japanese and I discoverd that they also publish it in Tagalog which I think would be more useful for me than Japanese! :-)
    Se you!

  3. "Sorry for being lazy and not updating.."
    I'm still in some kind of chock over the fact that you are updating your blog at all!
    That´s not the Erika we know down here on the westcoast. :-)
    I liked that lonley planet book you got in Japanese and I discoverd that they also publish it in Tagalog which I think would be more useful for me than Japanese! :-)
    Se you!

  4. Erika...det är något skumt med den här komentars funktionen.
    Ofta går det inte alls...man kommer inte förbi verifierings ordet och nu när det väl går så hände det som hände ovan. Halva komentaren kom med och dessutom som anonym trots att jag använde Google kontot.

  5. Hmm, yeah, that is a bit weird...You shouldn't have to verify at all if you use your google-account...

  6. Hei Erika, Julia, why are your ladies still remembering such silly phrases in Japanese... T^T

    Take care!! Genki de ne!!!!

  7. C: I know, he's so sweet =)
    J: Haha, don't worry, I'll never forget that one! Will most definitely try that one out at some pont ;)
    S: Hehe, we can't help it, it's the silly ones that stick =)

  8. You are doing great! Keep up the good blogging :-)

  9. Yes, I love reading your blog. I think it will become even more interesting when you are in Japan!


