
In Tokyo!

So, I have finally arrived at the hotel, and have had a shower (much needed), but I´m sooooooooooooo tired! =) Might have to go take a little nap before I start exploring...
The flight went well, believe it or not! But of course I had forgotten to book special food, so I had to run around Heathrow looking for something I could bring onto the plane so I wouldn´t starve...Ended up buying some hommus wraps from Starbucks, they were ok =)
Still no eligibility papers, so I am now jobless again...Will have to start running around Tokyo at the big agencies I think. This of course might mean that I will end up somewhere completely different in Japan than I thought, very exciting!
I don´t have any pictures since I am using a hotel computer, will try to upload some once I get my computer hooked up to the inet. Speaking of my computer, the guys in the security check at Heathrow apparently wanted my computer dead, as they were a little late in warning me I shouldn´t put it where I did while trying to open the bag to but it back after the x-ray. The warning came AFTER it hit the floor...Thanks...I did a quick check though, and it seems to be ok...I hope! =)


  1. Lycka till med allt!
    Jag tänker inte släpa kolsyrade drycker på flyget så du får ingen julmust när jag kommer och hälsar på men riktig glögg och riktiga pepparkakor ska jag nog släpa med mig.

  2. Good luck to you from me as well! I didn't know that there were still problems with the job (or did I?). Any chance that this eligibility paper will arrive in the next future? Have lots of fun in Tokyo!

  3. Now you're there, that's great!!
    Please don't forget to say 'sou des ne' (=I think so) after you hear someone's explanation, that's a kind of the magical word which makes Japanese people feel easy:P

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. And don't mix it up with "easy tiger !" or "I'll do it by myself" ! :D
    Enjoy your stay in Tokyo and good luck as weel !

